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Create a feature wall in a room of any size

Transform a room in your home, school or office

Gone are the days when decorating a room meant pasting the same paper all the way round your walls, maybe with a border to break the monotony. In 2017, neutral shades and block colours paired with eye-catching feature walls are all the rage.

Make more of your space with our stunning photographic wallpapers, which literally turn your walls into art. Send us one of your own images or pick from our wide range of stock photos – it's up to you. We'll use professional quality printing equipment to create a completely unique wallpaper to your exact requirements.

Choose from our standard sizes, or let us know if you are looking for something tailor-made to your wall size. We're happy to help!

Our photo wallpapers are easy to put up and line up!

When you think of the word “wallpaper”, you probably think of a wobbly wooden table, gloopy paste, tripping over stepladders and an awful lot of hard work! Let us make wallpapering simple. Every one of our photo wallpapers is self-adhesive, meaning you don't need to mix up any paste.

They're also repositionable, so if you don't quite get it lined up first time it's easy to make the necessary adjustments. When you are happy with your wallpaper's placement, rest assured it won't budge unless you want it to. It can be stuck to any non-porous surface, with a highly durable and wrinkle-free finish. When you do fancy a change, peel your photo wallpaper off gently and you'll find it's totally reusable.

Love where you live with our wallpaper maps!

Do you want to celebrate where you live? Does your business have multiple locations, and you want to reflect where each office is based? Maybe you're decorating a new geography classroom and want a completely unique centrepiece? Our wallpaper maps are the answer! These personal customised wallpapers are based on an Ordnance Survey map of your choice. Let us know the postcode, locality or area you want covered and we'll do the rest.

Email us to discuss your requirements and we'll be pleased to discuss your options.

Photo Wallpaper

Create a feature wall in a room of any size

  • Use your own picture or choose a striking stock photo
  • Available in standard sizes or custom cut to fit your wall
  • Self-adhesive – absolutely no wallpaper paste required!
  • Repositionable, to help you get the image ‘just so’ on your wall
  • Wrinkle-free and designed to last with a durable finish
  • Never get a print you're disappointed with: we'll help you fix it!
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